Thursday, October 9, 2008


Think about it. Almost everyone needs to work to make money in order to live. If a government (or anyone else) taxes your EARNED wages at a 50% rate you would be working half of your time, or your working life, for the government. Sounds like slavery to me. Granted, this example is extreme because of the use of the 50% amount but the point is if a government taxes your earned wages or TIME they are taking YOUR TIME (your life) for THEIR purposes.

In my opinion let the government tax anything else. Sales tax, capital gains tax, etc. People don't have to buy a $500,000.00 car. They don't have to buy a $4 million house. BUT PEOPLE DO NEED TO WORK. For the sake of argument it is the equivalent to the government putting a tax on the air that we breathe in order to survive. Can you see the ethical and moral problem with this situation?

The government would be able to collect plenty of revenue for it's operation from the taxes on ITEMS or corporate gains.

The 16th Amendment was never properly ratified by the States. The American People of 1913 and all future generations were scammed. It is un-Constitutional. What does a FREE People do? Defend your Constitution! If we don't, who will?

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