Thursday, October 9, 2008


Think about it. Almost everyone needs to work to make money in order to live. If a government (or anyone else) taxes your EARNED wages at a 50% rate you would be working half of your time, or your working life, for the government. Sounds like slavery to me. Granted, this example is extreme because of the use of the 50% amount but the point is if a government taxes your earned wages or TIME they are taking YOUR TIME (your life) for THEIR purposes.

In my opinion let the government tax anything else. Sales tax, capital gains tax, etc. People don't have to buy a $500,000.00 car. They don't have to buy a $4 million house. BUT PEOPLE DO NEED TO WORK. For the sake of argument it is the equivalent to the government putting a tax on the air that we breathe in order to survive. Can you see the ethical and moral problem with this situation?

The government would be able to collect plenty of revenue for it's operation from the taxes on ITEMS or corporate gains.

The 16th Amendment was never properly ratified by the States. The American People of 1913 and all future generations were scammed. It is un-Constitutional. What does a FREE People do? Defend your Constitution! If we don't, who will?

Fractional Reserve Banking

Fractional reserve banking. This seems to be a concept of greed. It is a fraudulent scheme and I am sure that there are some who would refer to it as a "system." Yes, a system to defraud those attached to it. Since the creation of this concept we have all become slaves to it as a result of America's adoption of it. How did this happen? Use the internet and find out. Educate yourself to the truth. You can not understand where you are today unless you understand the past.

Bush-Paulson Powergrab

email me:

On Oct. 3, 2008 a coup occurred. "Hank" Paulson and Bush, "Jr." succeeded in their last power-grab. They stole $700 billion dollars from "their fellow Americans." Paulson will be leaving his post as Secretary of the Treasury in January 2009. Watch where he goes. You can bet it will be back to Wall St. to collect his share of the $700 billion+ (because when it is all said and done we all know that it will probably be closer to $1 Trillion) that he and his accomplice just stole.

If you stumble across this blog and have no idea what I am talking about start re-educating yourself. Start reading about the history of the Federal Reserve and the 16th Amendment to our Constitution of the United States (crimes and injuries that occurred to We The People of the United States of America in 1913). You may think that this is a long time ago and that what happened then has no bearing on how you and I and our quality of life are affected today but it does.

People talk about politics and have their political opinions and views but most of the time people really have no idea what they are talking about or have no idea why they think the way that they do. Political thinking in America, and probably most other parts of the World as well, is shaped by propaganda. Propaganda that we learn in our schools from the very beginning of our education and propaganda that is feed to those that watch television. To truly understand what has been going on in America since its discovery one has to search out the truth as best as one can. A person has to think about what one reads, sees and hears and try to determine IF what they are reading, seeing and hearing makes sense to them. A person has to corroborate this information with other sources and after this has been done, discuss the findings with others and get some feedback.

If you want to be a good citizen and do good things and help others be and do the same start re-educating yourself to what has really been going on in America since the beginning. Start by
reading about the Rothschild family (Rothschild family banking empire) and go from there. Use them as a thread and keep pulling.

Moses Amschel Bauer was an 18th century German Jewish moneychanger and goldsmith.

In 1743, he opened a shop in the Judengasse (Jewish Alley) of Frankfurt am Main, in which he carried out various types of business— currency exchange, goldsmithing, and textile sales. To identify his shop, Bauer hung out a red shield. It was from this sign that his son Mayer Amschel Rothschild took his adopted name, which would one day become famous as the name of the premier banking and finance family of Europe.